HWIG provides the opportunity for Hunter health professionals interested in wound care improvement to attend regular, informative education sessions in a supportive environment.

About Us  

About Us

Value statement:
Advancing wound care in the Hunter
History of HWIG
A small team of nurses dedicated to wound care banded together in 1997. They had the vision of improving wound management practices in the Hunter through education of their colleagues. The group of four nurses from various sectors of the Hunter established the Hunter Wound Interest Group (HWIG). 
The group originally met monthly at The Maitland Hospital for many years, but then due to increasing work commitments the meetings became bi-monthly.
HWIG also conducted conferences annually until 2001, but again due to the enormous amount of work to prepare and then conduct a successful conference the decision was made to run bi-annual conferences. These bi-annual conferences have an excellent reputation for great content and informative national and international speakers. Above all else, HWIG conferences are fun for all who attend. 
At the 2007 conference, life membership was awarded to the four founding members of HWIG – Margo Asimus, Sue Buckman, Sue Pritchard and Maree Bernoth.
The membership of HWIG has grown to its current status of 105 as of November. Education evenings continue to be held at The Maitland Hospital, with four education evenings per year. These evenings are sponsored by wound care industry and representatives from the companies are available to the members on the evening.
As the Hunter Wound Interest Group developed it became apparent to extend an opening to consumers.  In 2006-2007 consumers were invited to attend Hunter Wound Interest Group Education Sessions with the option to become members of HWIG.

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© Copyright 2025 Hunter Wound Interest Group
ABN: 21481262073

https://hwig.org.au a  Site in an Hour  website